Great Rivers Greenway
The Brickline Greenway is a vision for an urban greenway through the City of St. Louis that connects people and places inspiring equity and economic development while also creating a network of approximately 10+ miles of greenway, linking up to 14 neighborhoods, and connecting Fairground Park, Tower Grove Park, Forest Park, and the Gateway Arch National Park. Led by Great Rivers Greenway, the project budget is $245M total, with $155M private funding, $75M federal funding, and $15M local tax funding.
As the Program Manager for the Brickline Greenway, responsibilities include strategic planning, collaboration with outside counsel to negotiate design and construction contracts, and leading multiple design teams through the planning, design and construction process. Key initiatives include creation of a public art plan, and spearheading development of design guidelines and a signage and wayfinding program.
Design Award
Progressive Architecture, March 2020
Outstanding Local Government Award: Leadership in Planning and Design Innovation
East-West Gateway Council, 2021Economic Impact Award
CREW - St. Louis, May 2024Americas Awards for Excellence - Pillars of the Valley
Urban Land Institute, July 2024
Images © 2023 Anna Leavey